Choose the Right Generator
The right generator depends on the power required by the equipment in the spray rig. There are two major electrical components in each rig: the Proportioner and the air compressor.
Proportioners have electric motors and very large electric heaters that can draw a lot of power. Electric air compressors also draw a lot of power, especially at start up. We set all of our compressors to run continuously so they do not turn on or off, which provides cleaner and more consistent power to the Proportioner. The generator should still be sized to handle the initial start-up of the compressor.
There are also other electrical demands inside the trailer that add up such as compressed air driers, heater, lights, grinders, and air conditioners. To properly size the generator add up the electrical requirements and provide a 25% cushion.
In most applications a 20 lb/min Proportioner requires a 20 kW generator and everything larger requires a 30 or 40 kW.