Choose the Right Proportioner
What Proportioner is right for you depends on your application and plan. There are two main categories of Proportioners: Foam and Coatings. They are both similar and do the same thing, but coating proportioners are capable of higher pressures to atomize heavier coatings. The additional pressure requires more horsepower, so Proportioners for coatings cost more than Proportioners for foam.
Within those two categories we also have three types of Proportioners: Air, Electric, and Hydraulic, with electric and hydraulic being the most viable. Air operated Proportioners use an air motor to drive the pump lowers which requires a large air compressor that makes them uncommon in mobile rig applications. Electric Proportioners are a great balance of performance and price and have quickly become the most popular in the marketplace. Hydraulic Proportioners have great durability and can have higher outputs and prices than the electric series Proportioners.